Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Fashion's a Lie

Top: TeeFury | Skirt: Target | Jacket: H&M | Tights: Target | Shoes: Payless | Hair Bow: Japan

Hello Dinosaurs! 

It's been quite a while since I've posted an outfit, but I'm so excited to be bringing the style back! I had a lot of fun styling this one. This is one of my most favorite shirts, depicting great colors and my love for Portal. I wanted to play it up and extend the feel of the game, so I found this great skirt to pair it with, grabbed a light jacket and tights to keep warm in the cooling autumn weather (yes!!), and then added the finishing touch of a bright orange bow, keeping in with the Portal colors! This outfit was so comfy and perfect for a day at school. 

Shortly after getting back from our honeymoon, I finally found a much needed part-time job. It's been interesting adjusting to the new job and balancing 3 classes, plus the new married life, but I am so thankful for all of it! It's been a bit crazy around here, but I'm enjoying every moment of it! :)

Thank you for reading! 


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