Friday, May 10, 2013

I'm back! Finally...

Hello all! I am back from my little hiatus! So sorry to be gone for so long! The end of the semester really got crazy and I needed to take some time to finish up some final projects. But now I have fully finished up my semester and am back and hope to get on track again with blogging again :)

I'll have new outfit posts next week, but in the meantime, here are some style pins I'm currently loving! This probably isn't helping my shopping hiatus, but a girl can still dream, right?

I am absolutely crazy about anything tulle! It's been my dream to have a skirt like this!

I'm loving these lace shorts and I think this cute feminine top compliments it perfectly.

As you know I'm obsessed with tights and these are just gorgeous!

Another lace creation that is just beautiful

I love the color combinations going on here!

These past few weeks I've been trying to break in the heels I"ll be wearing for the wedding. This post has some tips on breaking in a new pair of heels that I thought were useful! 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Thank you for reading!



  1. We should totally make that tulle skirt.

    1. Yes!! I've been wanting to make one for so long now.
