Monday, February 17, 2014



Announcing my new schedule for the blog! Join me on Mondays for my Currently Series, to catch up on what's going on in our lives. On Wednesdays you're invited to stop by and check out my weekly Style Series, where I'll be posting my latest outfit that I'd like to share with you all! And lastly, come by on Fridays where I'll be sharing any new projects or inspiration that I've been working on, and maybe even another outfit post ;) I hope everyone will enjoy the new schedule!

Reminiscing about a great Valentine's day this year. CJ took me out to eat, spoiled me with a giant box of chocolates, and then we created a blanket fort in our living room and watched a movie under it! I know the fort doesn't look very impressive, but it was so cozy to cuddle up with pillows under it in front of the TV. One of the most fun nights I've had in a long time :)
Working on organizing our loft area. I've been slowly tackling parts of it here and there, but with so much stuff I still have in boxes, I don't know where to start! I love organizing, but it's tricky when there's such a limited space!
Playing Pokémon X. I know, I know, I still haven't finished it. I'm hoping to play it as much as I can in my spare time (and on lunch breaks!) this coming week(s) in order to get through it. But a part of me has been enjoying it so much, I don't want it to end!
Loving washi tape! It's crazy how tape that just happens to be super cute and easy to use can make me so happy! I love collecting new rolls with fun patterns and using them anywhere to give something a little extra life :) Check out the blog this Friday, where I'll be sharing some of the ways I've been using washi tape around the house :)
Tell me about what's currently happening in your life! I'd love to hear from you!
Happy Monday Dinosaurs! Thanks for reading!

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